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Linky na časopisy, magazíny, webové servery
All Music Guide
Originally known as All Music Guide, AMG was founded in 1991 to help consumers navigate the increasingly complex world of recorded music and discover the very best recordings.The allmusic website was created in 1995 as a place for music fans to indulge their passion. Whether you're visiting allmusic to look up an out-of-print recording, to get our take on a new release, or simply to explore the world of music and see where it may lead, you've come to the right spot.
Down Beat
Jazz, Blues & Beyond...since 1934.
All About Jazz
the biggest, the deepest
UNI kultúrní magazin
Unijazz , sdružení pro podporu kulturních aktivit.
SK Jazz
najlepšia slovenská stránka o jazze
Výborná a pekná česká stránka o world music.
Rate Your Music
RYM is a site created to share our knowledge for music, and to help each other discover new music. It's also a community in which we can have interesting discussions about all topics.
Discogs is a user-built database containing information on artists, labels, and their recordings.
Progressive Rock Music Ultimate Discography ... with Free MP3, Videos and Reviews / from, the ultimate progressive rock website.
World Music Central
World Music Central is a portal dedicated to World Music. We feature the latest news, CD and concert reviews, articles, an events calendar, and resources for music fans, industry professionals and researchers. By World Music we mean traditional and contemporary folk and roots music from the entire globe, as well as cross-cultural fusions and hybrids.
The essential folk, roots and world music guide.
Nat Geo Music
National Geographic ...Inspiring people to care about the planet since 1888.
Rolling Stone
Site of popular rock and pop culture magazine with daily news, feature articles, and artist information.
Q Magazine
Premier UK music magazine.
Modern Rock Magazine
Rock music scene articles, news and reviews provided by industry professionals.
New Musical Express (NME)
Presents music news around the clock, reviews from around the world, interviews, and a concert guide.
Online version of authoritative UK pop and rock magazine.
Paste Magazine
Sign of Life in Music, Film & Culture
Known for its fresh and fiercely progressive take on all things music, Spin is a magazine for individuals interested in young adult culture and its bold new music scene. This publication features bold and intriguing articles centering on the arts, fashion, film and politics. Read up on reviews of consumer electronics and all of the latest CD, video and movie releases. Spin magazine provides exclusive interviews with some of today's most in-demand artists along with essential profiles of up-and-coming musicians. The magazine covers a variety of genres, from alternative and rock to jazz, pop and everything in between. Spin encourages the evolution of music and stays on the cusp of everything pertaining to the industry, as each issue features special sections dedicated to premiering new gadgets and thorough coverage on what's "hip and happening." With provocative photography and intriguing editorials, Spin is the ultimate publication for the forward thinker and alternative listener.
Jam Bands
Jam fans resource focused on improvisational rock and jazz-crossover bands.
Keeping score of entertainment.
First US magazine of rock music criticism.
Český hudební slovník osob a institucí
Centrum hudební lexikografie. Ústav hudební vědy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity Vedoucí redaktor: Petr Macek Redakční kruh: Mikuláš Bek, Petr Kalina, Simona Sedláčková, Karel Steinmetz
Progresivní rock nejen 70. let
His Voice
His VOICE je dvojmesačník o súčasnej hudbe bez žánrovej segregácie. Už od roku 2001 sa His voice špecializuje na všetky hudobné oblasti, ktoré stoja mimo hlavný prúd. Teda tie hudobné žánre, v ktorých hlavnú úlohu hrá potreba umeleckého vyjadrenia a nie komerčný úspech. Filozofia His voice vychádza z presvedčenia, že nekomerčnú hudbu netreba uzatvárať do jednotlivých škatuliek, ale je dobré o nej informovať ako o celku. Do záberu časopisu tak patrí napr.: súčasná kompozícia, experimentálne prúdy v rocku i jazze, elektronika, voľná improvizácia či noise. His voice je u nás jediným periodikom výlučne špecializovaným na túto oblasť hudby. Vychádza 6 krát do roka.
Jazz 100
JazzLinks : The Best Jazz Ever Released on CD. Welcome to Jazz 100, where we aim to bring you the very best jazz ever released on CD. Here you will find jazz lists based on comprehensive statistical surveys of critics, record stores, popular polls and our very own online polls. Our primary aim is to build lists that will appeal to popular sensibilities and, as such, casual listeners should find it a useful place to start when setting out to build the ultimate jazz collection (albums, collections & compilations). More seasoned jazz aficionados should also find plenty of interest.
All Your Jazz
All Your Jazz has put together a short list of great jazz magazines for you. While most of your latest jazz news and events can be found online, there are always new things to find. Some magazines include exclusive interviews while others offer sample music from select artists. If you are fan, performer, or just listener of jazz, this list of great magazines will help you keep up to date with jazz.
Jazz Magazines - Journals
Co najdete na : tipy na nahrávky, které stojí za poslech, informace, videa, mp3,rozhovory Co na nenajdete?: novinky ze světa show byznysu.
Jazz History Online
Jazz History Online is committed to covering the finest in jazz history past and present. All of the writers are also working jazz musicians, and use their experience to discuss jazz in a manner that is accessible to both musicians and laymen.
World Music - Petr Dorůžka
Petr Dorůžka píše o hudbě od 60. let, napsal biografii Šuplík plný Zappy a sestavil a přispěl k antologii Hudba na pomezí, od 90. let se věnuje world music. Vedle tuzemských časopisů jeho články otiskly např v Music Works (Kanada), Dirty Linen (USA), fRoots (Anglie), Trad’ Magazine (Francie), Folk Michel, Folker (Německo) a World Music Magazine (Itálie). V letech 2003-5 byl členem poroty festivalu Sajanskoje kolco na Sibiři, roku 2007 byl jmenován jedním ze 7 Samurajů veletrhu Womex. Od roku 1992 je členem rozhlasového panelu World Music Charts Europe, od roku 2002 přednáší Světové hudební kultury na Fakultě humanitních studií UK.
Full Moon
Full Moon je původní český multižánrový hudební magazín. Vychází pravidelně od roku 2010 a reflektuje hudební scénu u nás i v zahraničí, s přesahy do filmu, komiksu, designu. Každý měsíc odráží aktuální kulturní dění, nabízí kvalitní a originální zpracování, obsah a nadčasový design grafického studia Carton Clan. Spolupracuje s výjimečnými lidmi napříč kulturním spektrem. Není odkázán na agenturní zpravodajství – jeho obsah je bez výjimky exkluzivní – a zakládá si na dobrých a osobních vztazích se čtenáři.
Your Essential Guide to the Best Music From Around the World.
Listening To The Planet
koncert schedule hlavne jazzovych interpretov
Loď v Budapešti, kde sa hrá výborná muzika.
Classic Rock
News, Features, Reviews, Games, Radio, More,
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