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Zomrela bluesová legenda Johnny Winter
Najúspešnejšie obdobie zažil v 70. rokoch. Rolling Stone ho zaradil medzi 100 najväčších gitaristov histórie.
ŽENEVA. Vo veku 70 rokov zomrel v noci na stredu v izbe hotela vo švajčiarskej Ženeve americký bluesový gitarista, spevák, hráč na fúkaciu harmoniku a producent Johnny Winter.
Oznámila to agentúra AP s odvolaním sa na umelcovu agentku Carlu Parisiovú.
Hovorkyňa zürišskej polície pre agentúru DPA uviedla, že prokuratúra nariadila pitvu, hoci v prípade Winterovej smrti sa nepredpokladá cudzie zavinenie.
Winter naposledy vystúpil v sobotu na festivale v rakúskom Wiesene.
Johnny Winter, vlastným menom John Dawson Winter III, sa narodil 23. februára 1944 v Beaumonte v štáte Texas. Jeho mladší brat Edgar Winter je tiež hudobník. Zaujímavosťou je, že obaja sú albíni.
Svoju prvú kapelu si založil už vo veku 15 rokov. Zlom v jeho kariére nastal v roku 1968, keď o ňom napísal článok renomovaný časopis Rolling Stone, ktorý Winterovi vydláždil cestu k zmluve s vydavateľstvom Columbia Records. V tom istom roku založil skupinu s bratom Edgarom, o rok neskôr vydali prvý album s názvom Johnny Winter.
Najúspešnejšie obdobie zažil Winter v 70. rokoch, keď spolupracoval s legendami bluesu ako Muddy Waters či John Lee Hooker. Neskôr vystupoval s gitaristami Slashom a Ericom Claptonom a skupinou Allman Brothers.
Medzi najznámejšie Wintersove klasiky patria skladby "Rollin' and Tumblin'", "Bad Luck and Trouble" a "Good Morning, Little Schoolgirl".
Časopis Rolling Stone neskôr zaradil Wintera medzi 100 najväčších gitaristov všetkých čias.
Za album Third Degree dostal Winter v roku 1986 cenu Grammy. V roku 1988 ho uviedli Bluesovej siene slávy.
Druhého septembra má Winterovi vyjsť nový album Step Back.
John Dawson Winter III (23. 2.1944 – 16.7.2014)
Johnny Winter, was an American blues guitarist, multi-instrumentalist, singer, and producer. Best known for his high-energy blues-rock albums and live performances in the late 1960s and 1970s, Winter also produced three Grammy Award-winning albums for blues singer and guitarist Muddy Waters. After his time with Waters, Winter recorded several Grammy-nominated blues albums. In 1988, he was inducted into the Blues Foundation Hall of Fame and in 2003, he was ranked 63rd in Rolling Stone magazine's list of the "100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time".[1]
Early career
Johnny Winter was born in Beaumont, Texas on February 23, 1944.[2] Winter, along with his musician brother Edgar (born 1946), were nurtured at an early age by their parents in musical pursuits.[2] Johnny and his brother, both of whom were born withalbinism, began performing at an early age. When he was ten years old, Winter appeared on a local children's show, playing ukulele and singing Everly Brothers songs with his brother.
His recording career began at the age of fifteen, when his band Johnny and the Jammers released "School Day Blues" on a Houston record label.[2] During this same period, he was able to see performances by classic blues artists such as Muddy Waters, B.B. King, and Bobby Bland. In the early days Winter would sometimes sit in with Roy Head and the Traits when they performed in the Beaumont, Texas area, and in 1967, Winter recorded a single with the Traits: "Tramp" backed with "Parchman Farm" (Universal Records 30496). In 1968, he released his first album The Progressive Blues Experiment, on Austin's Sonobeat Records.[3]
Signing with Columbia Records
Winter's first Columbia album, Johnny Winter, was recorded and released in 1969.[4] It featured the same backing musicians with whom he had recorded The Progressive Blues Experiment, bassistTommy Shannon and drummer Uncle John Turner, plus Edgar Winter on keyboards and saxophone, and (for his "Mean Mistreater") Willie Dixon on upright bass and Big Walter Horton on harmonica. The album featured a few selections that became Winter signature songs, including his composition "Dallas" (an acoustic blues, on which Winter played a steel-bodied, resonator guitar), John Lee "Sonny Boy" Williamson's "Good Morning Little School Girl", and B.B. King's "Be Careful with a Fool".[4]
The album's success coincided with Imperial Records picking up The Progressive Blues Experiment for wider release.[5] The same year, the Winter trio toured and performed at several rock festivals, including Woodstock.[5] With brother Edgar added as a full member of the group, Winter also recorded his second album, Second Winter, in Nashville in 1969.[6] The two-record album, which only had three recorded sides (the fourth was blank), introduced a couple more staples of Winter's concerts, includingChuck Berry's "Johnny B. Goode" and Bob Dylan's "Highway 61 Revisited".[6] Also at this time Johnny entered into an intimate, albeit short-lived affair with Janis Joplin which culminated in a concert at New York's Madison Square Garden where Johnny joined her on stage to sing and perform.[2]
Unofficial albums
Contrary to urban legend, Johnny Winter did not perform with Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison on the infamous 1968 Hendrix bootleg album Woke up this Morning and Found Myself Dead from New York City's The Scene club. According to Winter, "I never even met Jim Morrison! There's a whole album of Jimi and Jim and I'm supposedly on the album but I don't think I am 'cause I never met Jim Morrison in my life! I'm sure I never, never played with Jim Morrison at all! I don't know how that [rumor] got started."[7]
Beginning in 1969, the first of numerous Johnny Winter albums was released which were cobbled together from approximately fifteen singles (about 30 "sides") he recorded before signing with Columbia in 1969.[2] Many were produced by Roy Ames, owner of Home Cooking Records/Clarity Music Publishing, who had briefly managed Winter. According to an article from the Houston Press,[8] Winter left town for the express purpose of getting away from him. Ames died on August 14, 2003 of natural causes at age 66. As Ames left no obvious heirs, the ownership rights of the Ames master recordings remains unclear. As Winter stated in an interview when the subject of Roy Ames came up, "This guy has screwed so many people it makes me mad to even talk about him."[8]
Johnny Winter And
In 1970, when his brother Edgar released a solo album Entrance and formed Edgar Winter's White Trash, an R&B/jazz-rock group, the original trio disbanded.[5] Johnny Winter then formed a new band with the remnants of the McCoys—guitarist Rick Derringer, bassist Randy Jo Hobbs, and drummer Randy Z (who was Derringer's brother, their family name being Zehringer). Originally to be called "Johnny Winter and the McCoys", the name was shortened to "Johnny Winter And", which was also the name of their first album.[2] The album included Derringer's "Rock and Roll, Hoochie Koo" and signaled a more rock-oriented direction for Winter.[9] When Johnny Winter And began to tour, Randy Z was replaced with drummer Bobby Caldwell. Their mixture of the new rock songs with Winter's blues songs was captured on the live album Live Johnny Winter And. It included a new performance of "It's My Own Fault", the song which brought Winter to the attention of Columbia Records.
Winter's momentum was throttled when he sank into heroin addiction during the Johnny Winter And days. After he sought treatment for and recovered from the addiction, Winter was courageously put in front of the music press by manager Steve Paul to discuss the addiction candidly.[2] By 1973, he returned to the music scene with the release of Still Alive and Well, a basic blend between blues and hard rock, whose title track was written by Rick Derringer. His comeback concert at Long Island, New York'sNassau Coliseum featured the "And" line-up minus Rick Derringer and Bobby Caldwell. Also performing on stage was Johnny's wife Susie. Saints & Sinners and John Dawson Winter III, two albums released in 1974, continue in the same direction.[10] In 1975, Johnny returned to Bogalusa, Louisiana, to produce an album for Thunderhead, a Southern rock band which included Pat Rush and Bobby "T" Torello, who would later play with Winter.[11] A second live Winter album, Captured Live!, was released in 1976 and features an extended performance of "Highway 61 Revisited".[12]
Muddy Waters sessions
In live performances, Winter often told the story about how, as a child, he dreamed of playing with the blues guitarist Muddy Waters. In 1977, after Waters' long-time label Chess Records went out of business, he got his chance.[2] Winter brought Waters into the studio to record Hard Again for Blue Sky Records, a label set up by Winter's manager and distributed by Columbia. In addition to producing the album, Winter played guitar with Waters veteran James Cotton on harmonica. Winter produced two more studio albums for Waters, I'm Ready (with Big Walter Horton on harmonica) and King Bee and a best-selling live albumMuddy "Mississippi" Waters – Live. The partnership produced three Grammy Awards for Waters and an additional Grammy for Winter's own Nothin' But the Blues, with backing by members of Waters' band. Waters told Deep Blues author Robert Palmer that Winter had done remarkable work in reproducing the sound and atmosphere of Waters's vintage Chess Records recordings of the 1950s. The albums gave Waters the highest profile and greatest financial successes of his life.
Later career

Winter continued to perform live, including at festivals throughout North America and Europe. He headlined such prestigious events as the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, Chicago Blues Festival, the 2009 Sweden Rock Festival, the Warren Haynes Christmas Jam, andRockpalast. He also performed with the Allman Brothers at the Beacon Theater in New York City on the 40th anniversary of their debut. In 2007 and 2010, Winter performed at Eric Clapton's Crossroads Guitar Festivals. Two guitar instructional DVDs were produced by Cherry Lane Music and the Hal Leonard Corporation. The Gibson Guitar Company released the signature Johnny Winter Firebird guitar in a ceremony in Nashville with Slash presenting.
Winter produced three Grammy Award-winning albums by Muddy Waters, Hard Again (1977), I'm Ready (1978), and Muddy "Mississippi" Waters – Live (1979). Several Winter albums were also nominated for Grammy Awards.[14] In 1980, Winter was on the cover of the first issue of Guitar World and in 1988, he was inducted into the Blues Foundation Hall of Fame. There was a character in the video game Heavy Rain named after Winter.
Lawsuit Against DC Comics
In 1996, Johnny and Edgar filed suit against DC Comics and the creators of the Jonah Hex: Riders of the Worm and Such limited series, claiming, amongst other things, defamation: two characters named Johnny and Edgar Autumn, in the series strongly resemble the Winters. The brothers claimed the comics falsely portrayed them as “vile, depraved, stupid, cowardly, subhuman individuals who engage in wanton acts of violence, murder and bestiality for pleasure and who should be killed.”[15]The California Supreme Court sided with DC Comics, holding that that the comic books were deserving of First Amendment protection.[16]
Winter was professionally active until the time of his death near Zurich, Switzerland on July 16, 2014.[17] He was found dead in his hotel room two days after his last performance, at the Cahors Blues Festival in France on July 14, at the age of 70.[18] The cause of Winter's death is not clear. He was scheduled to begin a United States tour beginning August 1, 2014 at the NYCB Theatre at Westbury in Westbury, New York.[19]
Writing in Rolling Stone magazine, after Winter's death, David Marchese said "Winter was one of the first blues rock guitar virtuosos, releasing a string of popular and fiery albums in the late Sixties and early Seventies, becoming an arena-level concert draw in the process... [he] made an iconic life for himself by playing the blues.[20]