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cesta: Titulná stránka / PROGRAMY / >klubové / 2016 / 10.1.2013
This is UNI Plone Theme


PeterPu : Gábor Presser
Kedy 10. 01. 2016
od 19:00 do 22:00
Kde klub
Vstupné za členské
Autor Peter Puzder


Jedna z nejvýraznějších postav maďarské rockové hudby, zpěvák, skladatel, textař, hráč na klávesové nástroje a vibrafon. Absolvent klavíru na budapešťské konzervatoři. Člen sk. Omega (1967 - 1971) a Locomotiv GT (od r. 1971). Především v 70. letech byl autorem hudby k dlouhé řadě filmů a byl i úspěšným hitmakerem pro jiné zpěváky Jedna z nejvýraznějších postav maďarské rockové hudby, zpěvák, skladatel, textař, hráč na klávesové nástroje a vibrafon. Absolvent klavíru na budapešťské konzervatoři. Člen sk. Omega (1967 - 1971) a Locomotiv GT (od r. 1971). Především v 70. letech byl autorem hudby k dlouhé řadě filmů a byl i úspěšným hitmakerem pro jiné zpěváky (Kati Kovacs, Klári Katona, Zorán...). V polovině 90. let se opět objevuje ve sk. Omega.

Presser-song was first performed by the small theater company of Verebes. They were 17 and dreamed about having their own theatre. That song was written to a poem by Karinthy, which did not become too famous, unlike its composer.

Few years later Presser showed a few songs on the piano of the Omega group in the Eötvös Club, behind him the curious band, which took in the song writer with the glasses. Between 1968 and ’71 he was the main composer and organist of three classical Omega LP: Trombitás Frédi és a rettenetes emberek, 10000 lépés, Éjszakai országút.

1971 was the birth of the band Locomotiv GT, the first Hungarian supergroup, whose novelistic story is told by several government censored as well as self-censored edition. Quite possibly the most exciting three chapters of the book És ilyen a Boksz? of 1985 could not even be published. Those chapters dealing with the Cuban, Romanian and Soviet tours… Besides the most entertaining/funniest character of the band beyond the approach “everybody is doing it different”, is “the everybody is remembering it different” (See the movie Volt 1×1 zenekar). The things to remember are too many and too many folded and some time has passed since as well. But what is more important than that: their songs have never lost much.

Our composer in the line of (in) (with) (in between) LGT composed songs, albums, series of albums, radio plays, ballets and a small band of lyrics.

The assignment to compose his first “official” play (from the novel Képzelt riport egy amerikai popfesztiválról by Déry Tibor) came from Vígszínház in 1972. Since then he composed several musicals, musical plays, only in Hungary he has “sold” nearly two million theatre tickets. A few titles: Képzelt riport egy amerikai popfesztiválról (1973), Harmincéves vagyok (1975), Jó estét nyár, jó estét szerelem (1977), A sanda bohóc (1981), A próba (ballet, Állami Operaház Erkel Színháza, 1982), A padlás (1988), Szent István körút 14. (1998), Túl a Maszat-hegyen (Budapest Bábszínház, 2005), Magyar Carmen (2007) and again Túl a Maszat-hegyen (Pesti Színház, 2010). From 1978 he is the musical director of Vígszínház, where he was the musical screenwriter of many of their plays.

In addition to theater directors, film directors have found him as well, he is the composer of more than thirty Hungarian and international movies.

The Amadinda Percussion Group asked him to compose Drum Street Blues in 1989, which was staged the same year in the Zeneakadémia. Since then they have been making music together often, in the meantime their New Year’s Eve concert became tradition.

Presser was discovered by BMG Ariola in 1992, and just in two years it squeezed out of him the solo CD Csak dalok which has later became platinum selling CD. In 1995 he is giving nine concerts in the overcrowded Vígszínház, after which he does not give a concert until 2001. But then he gives 50 of them. From the “orchestral” concert series Dalok régről és nemrégről a DVD was made as well. In 1996 he recorded the CD Kis történetek, again with famous Hungarian and international artists. It also became platinum seller. In November 2000 the Angyalok és emberek Presser CD was finished which became gold on the day of its publication and later on a platinum seller.

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