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cesta: Titulná stránka / PROGRAMY / >klubové / 2016 / 3.4.2016
This is UNI Plone Theme


PištaD : Joanna Newsom a iní
Kedy 03. 04. 2016 19:00 do
03. 05. 2016 22:00
Kde klub
Vstupné za členské a 2%
Autor Pišta Demko


Joanna Newsomová je americká harfistka, klaviristka, čembalistka, speváčka a skladateľka. Býva označovaná za jednu z najvýraznejších postáv súčasnej psychofolkovej scény. Ona sama sa však nepriznáva k žiadnemu špecifickému štýlu.
Narodenie18. januára 1982 (vek 34),Nevada City, Kalifornia, USA

Newsom's early work was strongly influenced by polyrhythms.[43] After Ys, Newsom said she had lost interest in polyrhythms. They "stopped being fascinating to me and started feeling wanky."[

The media have sometimes labeled her as one of the most prominent members of the modern psych folk movement. Newsom, however, claims no ties to any particular music scene. Her song-writing incorporates elements of Appalachian music and avant-garde modernism.[47]

Newsom's vocal style (in the November 2006 issue of The Wire, she described her voice as "untrainable") has shadings of folk and Appalachian shaped-note timbres. Newsom has, however, expressed disappointment at comments that her singing is "child-like."

Critics noticed a change in Newsom's voice on her album Have One on Me. In the spring of 2009, Newsom developedvocal cord nodules and could not speak or sing for two months. The recovery from the nodules and further "vocal modifications" changed her voice.