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cesta: Titulná stránka / PROGRAMY / >mimoklubové / 2012 / 3.7.12 Uri Caine
This is UNI Plone Theme

3.7.12 Uri Caine

Uri Caine Ensemble (USA) plays Mahler and Gershwin
Kedy 03. 07. 2012
od 19:00 do 21:00
Kde Tempel Synagogue • ul. Miodowa 24, Crakow
Vstupné 70 Zl



The great Uri Caine returns to Cracow!

After a pause of several years—he last played the Festival in the previous century—this giant of the piano, this visionary and virtuoso, presents his arrangements of the music of Gershwin and Mahler to prove that they are still in the first rank of the international avant-garde! Uri Caine and his achievements are the essence of what we call Radical Jewish Music. He is accompanied by a lineup of outstanding musicians.

ECHO[gk]:jeden z najlepších koncertov ktorý som kedy počul, videl !

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